Susan: lost 7.5 stone with a Gastric Band

"I lost 7.5 stone in 18 months with my Gastric Band and can't believe the difference!"*

* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
I had been on diets since I was 19 years old – you name it, I’d been on it. I could always lose weight but kept putting it back on; in recent years I was ending up heavier than when I started. I realised I needed something to help me keep my weight under control that was more long term.
I was inspired by Fern Britton’s success with her Band and as I was getting really fed up, saw my GP to try and get some help on the NHS. Like many people, I didn’t meet the criteria, so after initially feeling discouraged I discussed things with my family and decided to look into having the Band privately. I decided to go with NOSC and had the operation in Sheffield in April 2010. I have never looked back.
My surgeon, Mr Ackroyd was brilliant. I saw him at my consultation and he came to see me both before the operation and the next morning before I was discharged. I followed the 6 week post-op diet, and it was good to know that the support team at NOSC were always just a phone call away when I needed them. My husband had suggested that I look into having bariatric surgery abroad but I didn’t feel that I would get the aftercare I needed, and I’m very glad I didn’t go down that route.
My journey with the Band has been pretty smooth – I needed a few adjustments, as most people do, to ensure that I felt full after smaller meals, and these were all covered in the NOSC aftercare plan. I eat healthily and generally feel full after a starter portion in restaurants. My self confidence has increased as my weight has dropped, to the point where I bought my first bikini in years this summer for my 25th wedding anniversary holiday.
So far I have lost seven and a half stone with the Band! I have a whole new wardrobe of clothes and really enjoy shopping trips now, as I had got to the point where I just used to buy anything as long as it fitted me. My family is over the moon with the ‘new’ me, and friends have even commented that I look years younger now I have lost weight. I can honestly say that the money I spent on my Band is the best money I have ever spent.