Manjit: lost 6st 5lb with a Gastric Balloon

"All aspects of my life have improved. "*

* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
To all my fellow overweight friends,
My name is Manjit Singh or Pete; I’m a British born Sikh. I am 58 years old, married with five children and twelve grandchildren. I have always been on the large side, 5ft 11in with a large frame. From my teens and into my 30s I was around the 16st to 17st mark but I was fit as I played rugby and went to the gym 4 times a week. Then in my early 40s, I stopped training due to business commitments and having a young family (which is no excuse) and my weight started to go up, however, I was in denial - I still thought I was healthy.
In February of 2017, I went to see my doctor as I was getting pains in my arms, chest and other areas of my body. He checked me out, took my blood pressure and then sat me down and very bluntly told me that I would probably not live to see 60! My blood pressure was critically high. My BMI was over 58, I had sleep apnoea and my weight was 27stone 8lb... THAT was the shock I needed! I went to my car and I cried, not for me but with shame!
I wanted to see my grandchildren grow up, to experience more of the love and happiness they give to me. I had heard of surgery for weight loss but I decided that was too drastic for me. I researched the National Obesity Surgery Centre’s website and came across the gastric balloon and realised that was the right procedure for me.
I contacted them and they were very friendly and informative. I met the consultant who explained the procedure and my date was booked for the 28th May 2017 at the Spire hospital in Brentwood at 12.30pm. I was sent a letter and information pack which explained everything including where to go and not to eat any food for 48hrs prior to the procedure so my stomach was empty.
We drove down; me, my wife and my brother Del, who was really supportive. I was told I would be unable to drive for 24hrs as you are given light sedation which doesn’t put you to sleep but makes you drowsy. I was a bit nervous as there are always risks with medical procedures but as I went in the doctor and the nurses were calm and welcoming.
I was put on the trolley and taken into theatre. My throat was sprayed with a local anaesthetic. A gum shield was put in my mouth to keep my teeth apart and the doctor put a camera down my throat to check that my stomach was empty and that there were no ulcers. A second tube is then inserted with the balloon, which is about the size of a chilli pepper. Obviously, it’s not very nice and you will gag as its inserted, but this doesn’t last long. The balloon is inflated with saline and released into your stomach. It was all over in about ten minutes.
On the drive home, I felt nauseous but that was to be expected. The balloon really kicked in over the next few days. I would imagine it feels similar to being pregnant as you can feel it floating around in your stomach but it settles down within a couple of weeks. Food wise, all I wanted was fluids such as diluted juice and water. I did not feel hungry. In the beginning I felt tired and slept more than usual but this quickly passed and I was able to get back to my normal routine.
I would like to thank Tina from the NOSC who phoned me regularly to talk to me and encourage me. In my first month I lost 18lb and I started to eat smaller portions which were making me full. As the weight came off I went back to the gym and as I exercised, my weight loss sped up.
At the end of my twelve months with the balloon, on the 16th May, the balloon was removed at the same hospital by the same doctor. I will continue to speak to Tina at the NOSC for another six months to reinforce all the changes I have made and to work to avoid putting the weight back on.
Weight loss - 6st 5lb
Waist size - 10ins lost
Cloths size - Three sizes lost – down from 5xl to 2xl
Collar size - Down from 22in to 19in
BMI – Down from 58 to 38
Sleep apnoea - GONE!
All aspects of my life have improved. My goal is to keep this up for my family who have been my inspiration.
I hope you to find this personal journey of mine helpful.
Best wishes
Manjit Singh