Dan: 8st with a Gastric Sleeve

"The last year has been amazing!"*

* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
The last year has been amazing!
My life has changed so much and I have to thank NOSC for helping me to do this.
I had my gastric sleeve operation on the 12th of April 2015 and it is now a year later.
I can`t believe how my life has improved. I was weighed two days before my procedure and I weighed 22st 2lbs. Just one year later I am down to 14st 1lbs!
I’m now living life rather than just going through life moaning and feeling depressed about my weight.
I have been thinking about having a procedure for a couple of years and always came up with a reason why I couldn’t go ahead. I would say…… “I can do it by dieting”. That would work for a month or so and then when I came off the diet I would put more weight on because I went back to my normal ways. The years when I didn’t do it (have the op) are years wasted.
My weight didn’t just affect me; it affected my family as well.
Looking back I feel sorry for my wife because on holiday, I would never lie by the pool sunbathing with her because I was so self-conscious about the way I looked. If I did sunbathe with her, I usually kept my T-shirt on. When we got back from holiday, people used to joke and ask if I had stayed at home because I was just as pale as when I left and my wife was tanned. It must have been a lonely time for her. Going out for meals I`d feel uncomfortable, always thinking people were looking at me (probably only in my head).
I made the decision that I couldn’t live like that anymore. I sat down with my wife and had a chat. She has always supported me and she really understood what I was saying and feeling. So I started looking online for something I could do. I rang a couple of companies and asked some questions. They just seemed to answer my questions, none of them asked me what I wanted or needed.
Then I spoke to NOSC. They asked me what I wanted from the procedure. They asked me questions and then told me about the Gastric Bypass and the Sleeve Gastrectomy, which was a newer procedure. It really gave me food for thought and lots to think about. They didn’t pressure me at any time. I looked into the Gastric Sleeve and the NOSC hospitals. The surgeons are all ranked up there with the best in their fields.
So I rang again for some more information. They said it would be better if one of the NOSC patient advisors spoke with me. I made a phone appointment and had a long chat. The advisor went through everything with me and put me totally at ease. She was very knowledgeable about everything I asked and she told me all about my nearest hospital.
After a week of thinking about it, I decided that I wanted to go for it. So I rang NOSC again and they made it all so easy for me. They arranged my appointment to see the surgeon at the hospital for my consultation. Before I even saw the surgeon, they sent all the information about the procedure and the aftercare and support I would receive.
All went well with my consultation and a date for my procedure was set. The week before I went into hospital, NOSC rang me to ask how I was feeling and to check that I was happy with everything; they asked if I had any questions I would like to ask.
Then the day came. I turned up early for the op and the staff were amazing. The hospital was top quality. All went well and I was in hospital for three days as expected. The care I received was second to none.
The day I went home I had a call from the NOSC support team. They called within an hour of me arriving home, just to see how I was. For the first week they called every day to check on my welfare. I was also told that if I had any problems I could call NOSC anytime.
Over the following month they were calling me regularly. As I felt better each day, I told them there was no need to ring me on a regular basis because I knew that if I needed them I could call them at any time.
I would like to thank NOSC so much for their help with changing my life. It`s the best decision I’ve ever made and I only wish I had done it sooner!
Many thanks
Dan Lyons