Jackie: lost 6st with a Gastric Plication

"I chose the NOSC for the support provided which I found invaluable"*

Weight loss success story
* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
I had been unhappy with my weight and how I looked for a long time. I had tried different weight loss solutions and lost weight and then put it back on and more. I lead a very busy lifestyle with a full-time job, travelling to and from work two hours each way, and looking after my grandchild some weekends.
We were on holiday in May last year and a photo was taken of me which, when I looked at it, didn’t look like how I wanted it to look. I decided then to go forward with a weight loss procedure. I took a long time researching various options and decided that I didn’t want the Gastric Balloon or Band with having something put inside of me, and I also felt that I didn’t want some of my insides took away in case something went wrong.
I read about Gastric Plication firstly on the NOSC website and the information was very clear and informative, along with the video (I use the webpage now to explain to anyone who wants to know what I’ve had done). Although there is no long-term data available due to this being a relatively new procedure, most of the results that I had seen were positive, and with this operation it can be reversed if necessary, you don’t have to go back to have things adjusted, nothing is taken away and nothing is inserted internally.
I chose the NOSC for the support provided which I found invaluable, everyone who I spoke with was knowledgeable and was able to answer any questions or queries I had. Additionally, having support for a full year is what made me choose the NOSC.
From the list of surgeons on the NOSC website he was well thought of in the Bariatric community, and I travelled a long way to have my operation which was a massive success for me. I met with Mr El-Hasani prior to the operation for a consultation and the letter to my GP mentioned that I was ‘morbidly obese’ which ‘drove it home’ for me.
I spent two nights in hospital and found all staff to be very attentive and the care provided was second to none. I couldn’t feel pain in my stomach at all unless I stretched out or bent forward. I took two weeks off work to recover and was able to go back to normal routine.
I have lost almost 6 stone and I am now maintaining my weight and couldn’t be happier.