Bernice: lost 3 stone with a Gastric Balloon

"My gastric balloon changed my life completely!"*

* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
I had been a yo-yo dieter all my adult life – diets, diet pills, cutting down – you name it, I had done it, and nothing was working any more. I had totally the wrong mindset regarding my weight – it had always been a battle and I felt that I really needed something to give me a huge kickstart. I didn’t want anything surgical but knew that I needed help – the Gastric Balloon looked ideal. I looked around at costs and decided to go with the National Obesity Surgery Centre, as I felt that the support offered was the best around and that I would get lots of help and advice.
I was nervous about the procedure but it was okay and Dr. Mason was brilliant. The support team at NOSC, especially Julie, were lovely too. As I struggled at first with side effects it was good to know that there was always someone to talk to, and this made me feel more secure about everything.
I lost over 3 stone in six months with my Gastric Balloon and I have maintained this weight loss since the Balloon came out. I have finally got to grips with my weight – something I have never been able to achieve before. I am now in control and this has changed my life completely. Everybody has noticed a massive difference, and not just in the way I look. I am much happier in myself and my self confidence has rocketed.
The Balloon did “exactly what it says on the tin”. I felt fuller quicker and if I did attempt to overeat it was very uncomfortable and I felt sick – not something that I wanted to repeat very often. I have never been fitter and go to the gym regularly. The aches and pains in my knees and back have all disappeared. I feel fantastic!