Gill: 2st 4lbs with a Gastric Sleeve

"I wish I had done it years ago."*

* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
My Journey so far
Firstly, I would like to say how patient and caring NOSC have been since I started the process of looking into weight loss surgery around three to four years ago.
I talked with Sarah at first and she put me in touch with people who have had different procedures such as a Gastric Band or Sleeve Gastrectomy. It was important for me to research and find out as much as I could prior to making my decision.
After many discussions, I felt that at the time, I could not justify spending the money and so I decided that I would try a major exercise and dieting campaign again.
My story:
I have had a weight problem all my life.
Some 10 years ago, I was a pub landlady and had reached the dizzy heights of 21st 10lb!
Looking back, I don’t know how I managed to cope with my sixteen hour days…..but I did.
When I eventually made the decision to leave the pub trade, I bought myself a dog and a step monitor and started walking. That was eight years ago and I did manage to lose 5st. I was very pleased with myself at 16st 10lb but it didn’t last. My weight kept creeping back up to 18st 10lb.
After talking to NOSC the first time, as I mentioned earlier, I started a programme of exercise and managed to get my weight down to 15st 10lbs.
I also completed three triathlons and a half marathon, but by the end of the season I was totally exhausted and ended up with quite severe depression. I had pushed myself too hard.
The winter came and I put all the weight back on, going up to 19st again.
I did manage to lose some of that weight, and then I met a man who didn’t care what I looked like. We liked to go out for meals and have a drink or two and yes, I went back up to 18st 10lb once again.
He left me after that and I went back to my slimming club.
Hopeless and lost by Christmas 2015, I had a wedding to go to and I promised myself I would lose weight for the wedding. Alas, instead of losing weight, I went back up to 18 stone 7lbs! I think it was the photographs of me at the wedding that made me contact NOSC again on Boxing Day 2015.
I then started speaking to Sue, and again we went through the process of checking my BMI and deciding which procedure would be best for me.
I would sometimes panic and think myself a failure for considering surgery.
My children were worried about me being large, but also about the operation.
We all went to the consultation at the end of January. This helped but I was still scared and decided that I would try and lose weight again by myself. I have struggled all my life with fat, being a fat person has stopped me from doing many things. Now, I don’t want to be stopped, I want to live!
I have a grandson who loves me and I want to do silly things with him!
My joints were also giving way under the weight, I had to do something fast.
I went to a health spa and that’s when I saw the real me…. in the mirrors there.
That finally made up my mind! I rang NOSC that day and on return booked for the 12th March 2016. A Sleeve Gastrectomy.
I sit now writing this on the 13th April 2016.
I started my pre-op diet on 22nd February, I lost 12lbs. I found that using fresh herbs and smoking my chicken made my meals tastier.
The hospital was really welcoming. My daughter was allowed to stay with me until I went for my operation.
I think I was lucky as I was only uncomfortable for one day. I felt so good I was allowed to go home the following day.
My worries about not getting back to work on time were all gone as I felt really well. After the third day, I stopped taking the pain relief medication and I have not looked back since.
NOSC would ring me every day to see if I had any problems and to support me. I did however feel that I had no requirement for this but I know that my support worker is always there if I need any help.
I would like to work on keeping my skin supple as I lose my excess weight. I have lost 2st 4lbs already and I am so much happier.
I went to the consultant about my knee yesterday and prior to my surgery he was suggesting a knee replacement but this time he suggested a steroid injection and I am already able to move more.
I’m starting at the gym next week and my goal is to be fit enough to swim the length of Windermere (10.5 miles) next year for my 60th birthday! I am hoping to be a size 14 by then and if I am, it will be amazing. It already is amazing!
I would truly recommend anyone who is thinking about doing this not to waste more time worrying. Go for it! NOSC covers everything for you. They are not pushy and in my opinion, NOSC is an excellent company.
I wish I had done it years ago.