Catherine's Success Story

"This is the best thing I’ve ever paid for in my life!"*

Weight loss story
* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
I had Gastric Sleeve procedure via The NOSC in November 2013. My surgeon was Mr. Koak who worked from the Brentwood Nuffield hospital. I believe it has been the best money I’ve ever spent on myself.
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998. By 2012 my condition had progressed and I was becoming ever more disabled. I had been taking various medications over the years including large doses of steroids to combat the symptoms of my MS. This alongside a very healthy appetite and being a big social drinker, led to me tipping the scales at 19st 9Ibs and a UK size 26 on the day before I started my pre-op liver shrinking diet.
I had yo-yo dieted for decades, using every slimming club in existence and trying hypnotherapy and various self-help books to try and reach a healthy weight. I could lose weight but sadly I just couldn’t keep it off. Every time I’d lose the weight, I would put it back on, and more.
My marriage to my 3rd husband was planned for May 2013, and even that couldn’t inspire me to permanently lose weight. I was just under 18st on my wedding day, and found it very difficult to look back at the photographs of what should have been one of the happiest days of my life.
After our honeymoon I began seriously considering weight loss surgery. My GP at the time offered to put me forward for Gastric Bypass surgery, but I would have 2 years of jumping through various hoops before I would have my surgery. I am naturally impatient, and as I was still working, decided instead to take out a bank loan and seek out the surgery privately.
At first, I thought of Gastric Band, but when I saw Mr Koak, he suggested that a Gastric Sleeve procedure would be a better option for me. I researched it a great deal and joined various online forums to gain real life experience reviews, to see the good, the bad and any ugly. The vast majority of all reviews were very positive, with a large amount of people saying they should have had this weight loss surgery years before. My mind was made up.
The care I received at the Brentwood Nuffield was outstanding. Everyone I came into contact with there was professional and extremely caring. I had a chance to talk to Mr Koak and the anaesthetist before the procedure, and I was excited when I got to the operating theatre and climbed on the table. The theatre sister asked me if I was apprehensive, and I replied ‘No, just excited’. She said they were a team of highly skilled individuals who carry out these surgeries every week, and I was in very good hands.
I can honestly say I had no discomfort or sickness when I awoke after the surgery, back in my room. I was exceptionally well cared for, and Mr Koak had taken some screenshots of the procedure during surgery, at my request. When he visited me, he brought me in a folder containing the printed screenshots. I went home the day following the surgery.
My recovery and post op special diet worked well for about 6-8 weeks and then I could introduce ordinary foods. I must admit I felt dizzy sometimes, but I understood this was due to the small number of calories I was taking in and the fact I’d had a big, life changing operation.
My weight started to drop.
8 years later and I am now happily stable at 11st, and have been for the last 4 years. I record my food and drink intake every day on MyFitnessPal, as I know I have to be accountable for the rest of my life. This is the best thing I’ve ever paid for in my life!