Jane: lost over 6 stone with a Gastric Sleeve

"I Lost more than 6 Stone with a Gastric Sleeve!"*

* All patient reviews on our website are based on that individual's experience and may vary from person to person.
In 2016, after serious consideration and downsizing my home, I was able to release some financial funds. I decided it was time for me to lose the extra weight; I have been overweight since my early 20's and my weight gradually increased, as I got older I slowed down and ate more.
My older sisters are also overweight and, due to their ongoing health issues, this made me more determined to change my lifestyle. I knew this is who I would become, with similar, if not worse ailments.
I decided to undergo a Gastric Sleeve procedure as I felt, after the research I had done, this was the less invasive option and best for my needs. I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid seven years ago and with arthritic knees in 2015 which cause me a great deal of pain on occasions; I was also diagnosed with Diverticular Disease/Colitis 2016.
I investigated various options and establishments for my surgery and these led me to the National Obesity Surgery Centre; I felt that they could and would meet my needs. I was particularly reassured by their ongoing support programme and have no complaints about the service or care that I was given throughout my weight loss journey.
I started on 21st January 2017 on a liver reduction diet, my start weight was 18st 2lb and I am now a comfortable size 12 at just under 12st. I underwent my Gastric Sleeve procedure on 7th February 2017. My goal was to reach a size I was comfortable with by my 50th birthday, which I have achieved.
I am healthier, fitter and not consumed by the thought of food and calories, I now focus on protein and stop when I am full. I enjoy going to the gym, swimming and cycling. People don't even recognise me anymore!!!
I love being able to dance all night, walk for miles and swim 50 lengths with no gasps or pain. My knee and leg pain are a thing of the past and my joints feel rejuvenated! I no longer have to take painkillers but I do continue to take the medication for my bowel condition. However, because of my regular medication and improved diet I no longer suffer with any problems in this area either.
My blood pressure was taken pre-surgery and the hospital said it was TEXTBOOK! How great is that??? I am so proud of myself! Even though I was never unhappy fat, I had become accustomed to it, it’s so much easier being slim. I say to people it’s like putting down two huge suitcases and being able to move better. I have enjoyed my journey and am having further surgery in March for a breast uplift . Now I truly have hit fabulous fifty and look forward to the years to come.